Saint Mary's College of California

Class of 1961

Campus Visit - September 2010



Here are some photos taken when your Reunion Committee met on campus September 9, 2010.

Paul Forney is mesmerized by Paul Desrochers eloquence.

Tom Uniack pontificates while George Walker ponders.

We confirmed that Steve Hanson's name is missing from this plaque.

When the Alumni Association dedicated this plaque in 1994, Steve Hanson was officially listed as Missing in Action. He had been missing since his helicopter was shot down during a rescue mission in Laos in 1967. In 1999 the DNA analysis of remains recovered in Laos positively established Steve's heroic death in 1967. (For more information click here.) We understand that the Iraq and Afganistan wars require an updating of the plaque and that Steve's name will be added as well.

Ron Turner, Paul Desrochers, Chris Carter, and Bob Pola tour Dryden Hall, site or our Golden Anniversary Banquet.

This patio (Hoffman Plaza?) opens off Dryden Hall. We'll be sipping pre-dinner cocktails here on July 16.

Bob Pola and Paul Desrochers inspect newly renovated De La Salle Lounge. We decided that we wouldn't need this space and released it to other reunion classes.


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