Apr-10 May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan. 2011 Feb March Apr-May June
3. Web Site Development               ===========================                                                                 ====================================
4. Classmate search master list     ===========================
5. Advertisement/marketing mailing                                                                  ===========                                          =====================                      ===========
6. Response records & pictures                                                                                                                                                          =========
7. Reunion Book                                                                                                                        =========                     ==========                    ===========================
8. Events, venues & entertainment                                                                                           ===========                     ===========
9. Accomodations, Hotels, dorms, etc                                           ===========
10. Ivitations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 =========
11. RSVP, logs, pictures, book, money                                                                                                                                                                             ===========
12. Reunion Photographer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ==========                      =====                      =========                      =====
13. Endowment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 =========
Line item 3: Complete web site design prior to first alumni contact (June) Expand web site to include a section for attendee interaction, e.g. career highlights, pictures (January)
Line item 5: Finalize Master Alumni list for home and email contacts. 4: Finalize Master Alumni list for home and email contacts.
Line item  5: Complete first draft of marketing plan; first mailing (home and email), general advertisement (July); complete work for next two marketing mailers; prepare  ilers, making sure 
they are crisp, clear and concise.  Prepare a simple 3 part (four-color) brochure that will be part of the first mailer to the homes with our opening letter.  It should contain
the schedule of events, request for reunion book materials, hotel accommodations and pricing and as much general information as possible.  It could be one of   of our
                     best marketing tools to convince prospective attendees that the program has been well thought out.  We should include 5 or 6 key campus photos. best marketing tools to convince perspective attendees that the program has been well thought out.  We should include 5 or 6 key campus photos.
Line item 6: Collect, compile and catagorize initial RSVPs from first mailing (home and email) which asked for reunion book materials (pictures, memories, personal data (item 5    
Line item 7 7: Rough Draft (August) of working manuscript (Oct.).  Final document (Dec.) to publisher (Jan. 2011).
Line item 8:  Comnplete rough draft of actual weekend events with specific details of dinner, programs and speakers. 8: Complete rough te rough draft of actual weekend events with specific details of dinner, programs and speakers (August).  Finalize this (October).
Line item 9:  Complete listing of recommended hotels and pricing for on and off campus accomodations.
Line item 10: Complete and mail formal invitations.
Line item 11:  Copmlete all RSVPs, logs, book materials, money, campus reservations, etc.
Line item 12:  Target gifing request here down playing the request until we have all of the major event logistics worked out and programs set. 12:  Interview and engage photographer.  Obtain all pictures of event and activities for inclusion in reunion memory book.        *
Line item 13:   13:  Target gifting request here, down playing the request until we have all of the event logistics and major programs worked out.
* Reunion book would be mailed after the event and should include pictures and discriptions of event activities.