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What? George Walker and Don Dirito are co-hosting our Class of '61 Barbecue.
When? Friday, July 22; Social hour begins at 4:00 p.m.; food service about 6:00 p.m.
Where? George and Gayle Walker have graciously opened their home for the barbecue: 35 Scripps Haven Lane, Alamo, CA 94507.
Cost? All-inclusive price is $60 per person.
Sign up? Reservations are now closed.
Attire? Casual — it’s a barbecue. Please, no neckties!
Who's Coming? Paul & Linda Alvarado (Looking forward to another great reunion.
), Richard & Priscilla Aquino (Now that we are
), Jim & Mary Ellen Bahan, Doug & Barbara Bodine, Cole & Nadya Buxton, Al & Joan Cattalini, Paul & Joyce Desrochers (55
we are finally Seniors!Can't believe that we're at 55! Looking forward to the weekend. Thanks, George & Don!
), Don Dirito, Ron & Nancy Dirito, Jack & Mary Dold, Clyde & Denise Figone, Bob Geary, Bill Gerth, Tom Kosta (This is great. Some people actually think I graduated from college now.
), Fr. Tom Hayes, Greg Johnson, Dan & Linda Leary, Vic & Allison LoGrasso, Jim Looney, Francisco & Bertha Lopez (Looking forward to seeing all the old Gaels.
), Ben & Louise McEntee, Tom & Melanie Marchant Meschery (No hip hop bands, please!
), Russ & Mary Meskell (We're looking forward to seeing everyone again this soon. Thank you George and Gayle, Don and Jane for hosting the barbecue.
), Bob Milano, Chuck & Margaret Pedri (A gathering of the finest!
), Bob & Rochelle Pola (Looking forward to seeing the class of '61, and I really mean
), Jack & Patty Queen (class
. You are great. Thank you again George and Gayle and Don and Jane for having this event.Thanks for hosting!
), John & Julie Shirley, Pat & Phyllis Sweeney (Looking forward to the reunion. Thanks for hosting this event again.
), Tom & Ann Uniack, George & Gayle Walker, Dick & Sharon Woods.
Regrets? Paul & Cecelia Forney (Will be off to my nephew’s wedding and will not be attending any Reunion events. I will sorely miss you guys!
), John & Joan McNeil (Unfortunately we have a family commitment. I'll be hoisting a few to you rascals that week-end!
), Armando Rendon (I hope to make some of the Saturday events, but attending the Friday bbq is tentative.
On-Campus Events? Your 55th Reunion Committee has worked with the College to ensure a great experience for our classmates. We've arranged for the Class of '61 to have a private cocktail party and dinner following Saturday's 5pm Reunion Mass in the chapel. For current information about all the Reunion Weekend events, click here.