Saint Mary's College of California

Class of 1961

61st Reunion - July 16, 2022


We missed our 60th Reunion because of Coronavirus precautions, but we’re looking forward to celebrating 61 for 61 this summer! Your reunion committee has worked with the Alumni Office to structure an event that both recognizes and appreciates our unique status as a distinguished group of octogenarians.

Yes, it’ll be 61 years for the Class of ’61 and we’ll be celebrating it on Saturday, July 16. Working closely with the College, your committee has arranged for a private cocktail party and private dinner for our class that will follow a special reunion mass in the chapel. Since our reunion will take place during a gala reunion weekend on the campus, there will be other events available earlier in the day if you are interested. Recognizing that some of us are mobility impaired, the College will provide appropriate parking and mini-shuttles where required.

We’ll have more information here as we receive it. You should receive mailings from the College as well. If you are not currently on the College mailing list, let us know and we’ll get you on the list. You’ll always find the latest information right here.

Here are highlights of the Saturday schedule (the complete schedule is on the College website):

And here’s a surprise Sunday event:

The College website is now accepting reservations. The cost is reasonable: $10 registration plus $75 for the dinner and cocktails ($85 after June 16). Sign up now!

Need a hotel room for July 16th? Click here.

Your Reunion Committee (Paul Desrochers, Jim Bahan, Bob Pola, Paul Forney, Tom Uniack, Pat Sweeney, Dick Woods, and Al Cattalini) looks forward to seeing you in July!

Revisit our 55th Reunion


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